Welcome to Mimi & Penny’s Daily S’Nipits!

August 20, 2008 at 9:40 pm 3 comments

Hey Y’all,

People ask all the time about what really goes on at ARNO’s no-kill shelter so we have decided to bring you some daily snipits of life at Animal Rescue New Orleans just so you get the real poop-scoop.

We’re Penny and Mimi, two incredibly smart, sleek and very popular feline residents who basically run the shelter and did we mention beautiful? We’re strictly volunteer just like the rest of our crew and sure, okay, the humans put in a lot of hours and they do a lot of work, but really, they only do what we tell them to do and so far, that’s worked out just fine. We sometimes get into a little bit of trouble like the time Penny took a ride in the back of a U-Haul to another city, and then there’s Mimi, well she is the sneaky one and she likes to follow our humans as they walk the dogs and tease them or sometimes she likes to play chicken with the cars they drive, but it’s all in fun. Just about everybody on the planet loves us both…..really, it’s easy to see why, don’t you think?

Listen, Penny’s about to head out to ARNO’s cleaning tent to make sure our humans are getting those litter boxes and dishes done, and Mimi is making sure we get a mouse for the computer…what? No mouse needed for a laptop? That’s crazy, you always need a mouse, right Penny? Anyway, check back soon and you won’t believe the things we are going to show you that goes on at this place, we’re thinking about calling up the head rat over there in Florida because once Penny sheds that baby fat, we’re sure there’s a movie deal in this for us!


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3 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Lilly Bergerol  |  August 21, 2008 at 1:06 pm

    Meow Mimi and Penny;

    Not so fast on that movie deal; I am the fairest ARNO kitty of them all…don’t you think?

    I wanted to send you a kittenly hello from a former friend ARNO compatriot.

    Happy mouse trails,

    Lilly the ARNO Maine Coon beauty queen

  • 2. Cate Bergerol  |  August 22, 2008 at 12:35 pm

    Hi Mimi and Penny;

    So I noticed that little so and so, Lilly Bergerol, already got her two cents in, and it isn’t even grammatically correct. Hmm, what can we say; she was found in a dumpster at Sam’s Club….need I say more?

    I, on the other hand, was found at the very end of a quay, in St. Bernard Parish after four weeks of that thing they call Katrina. Not to mention,I fished out of Pontchartrain; don’t you think that qualifies me for just about anything?

    On that note, I just want to say that ARNO rocks. My mom has been helping ARNO for almost two years now, and while it takes a lot of her time (much to my chagrin) she loves it. And though she occasionally brings home those four legged canines (gosh what is it with them; can’t they take a bath), I have to say that I am proud of her, and prouder still of ARNO. If it wasn’t for the volunteers here in NOLA, I would still be waiting for a home.

    So, if you are thinking about adopting that sweet little feline or that (well, some say) adorable little canine from ARNO, what’s stopping you? Each animal that is adopted helps ensure that we can bring more animals in off the streets. And if you can’t adopt, then volunteer at ARNO; we can’t do this without you!

    Now that I have taken a moment for that public service announcement, let me just finish by saying that if there is a film, and they are looking for beauty and courage, baby, have I got a cat for you! Blue eyes, sleek and svelte physique, what more could a director be looking for?

    Yours meowingly,

    Cate, aka the real beauty queen, Bergerol

  • 3. Potts  |  September 28, 2008 at 2:36 am

    Meow girls!!

    I just wanted to stop by and let you know how things are going here in Mississippi. So my mom and dad are really cool. I have a 2 legged sister that has a big bed & I sleep with her every night. I have 2 dogs pals which dont bug us kitties, and i have 4 kitty brothers. They were very accepting of me, but Im not sure if I want to play with them or not. Sometimes if I hear loud noises I run and hide under the bed, but I love to sit in the window and look out back and watch the birds and squirrels play. I really miss everyone, but Im so glad to have a big house to cruise through, and a mom and dad to call my own. Give everyone my love, and I’ll send pictures soon. 🙂



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August 2008